Get Query Parameters from an Angular Route

Dec 11, 2021

Angular provides access to the query parameters of the current route through the queryParams property of ActivatedRoute. queryParams is an observable so we can subscribe to it to receive it's current value and any changes to it value.

The example below shows how a component can access the query parameters for a route such as:

  • The constructor requires an ActivatedRoute instance which Angular will provide (line 12).
  • In ngOnInit we subscribe to changes to this.route.queryParams and use the values for search for products (line 15–22).

Test a component that uses query parameters

Angular allows us to provide a configured instance of ActivatedRoute with a set value for queryParams.

  • Configure the test to provide a set value of queryParams(line 17–22).
  • Construct a mock instance of ProductService (line 26–27).
  • Verify that out component used the values from queryParams to call (line 39).




I'm a Maths graduate interested in electronics, programming, etc. I'm currently ambling my way into app and game development (web, mob, desktop).